Forme has clients across a broad aspect of all forestry operations. Below are some of the happy clients Forme has completed projects for.
“Kevin Reardon of Forme Consultants has been our prime consultant for all ETS management and carbon trading advice for several years. The quality of advice has enabled us to maximise value and minimise risk within sensibly set trading parameters. We are an international integrated forestry business owing both plantations and processing facilities in New Zealand and elsewhere. Forme Consultants advice has faultlessly embraced the complicated credits and emissions program we are exposed.”
— General Manager Forests, Commercial Forestry Company
“Crown Forestry regularly engages Forme Consulting Group to provide an expert set of independent eyes to review its forestry operations. We value the expertise and skills of the staff and the level of understanding the company has of the sector through the wide variety of work carried out on behalf of many clients and the comprehensive sector databases the company maintains.”
— Crown Forest Manager, Ministry for Primary Industries
“Forest Enterprises Limited has engaged Forme Consulting Group to undertake annual forest audits of it’s partnership forests for the past 25 years. Audit requirements incorporate independent review of all operational activities in the forests and independent reporting to forest investors.”
— Bert Hughes – Forestry Director, Forest Enterprises Limited
“Over the past 6 months we have used the services of Forme Forest Industry Consultants, working closely with Paul McCreedy and Kevin Reardon. The timeliness and depth of analysis and reporting, as well as the discussions had, provided an excellent basis for enabling an informed decision for our further investment into forestry. Forme’s assistance was greatly appreciated.”
— Hemi Toia – Te Rarawa Commercial Group, Te Waka Pupuri Putea